Recent New Works

The Substance of Sight

36” x 28, Monastery 12K White gold-leaf and oil paint on canvas

I’ve been working to unfold a series of works under the title “The Substance of Sight”. The Substance of Sight is a metaphysical concept, a mode of perception; everything that everything sees. In an effort to conceptualize this inspiration, I made a diagram to articulate the concept. This diagram shows how the Substance of Sight is in a tri-unitary form of existence, which is to say it enacts three modes simultaneously: To Be / To Give Light / To See. I still have a lot of exploring and discovery to do, so more works will be made from within this framework.

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Metatron’s Cube

14” x 14”, Monastery 22K goldleaf, 12K white gold leaf, oil paint on canvas

Metatron’s Cube is a symbol that represents the journey of energy throughout the universe, and of balance within the universe. It contains every geometric form of all the Platonic Solids. The 13 circles represent the thirteen archangels. (Interestingly the human body also has 13 major joints, and there are 13 full moons in a year). Metatron is the archangel of Presence. Also known as the Angel of the Veil, and the “recording angel”, serving as celestial scribe. In certain texts Metatron is the name Enoch receives after his transformation into an Angel.

Chakra Paintings (for John Eustor)

14” x 14” Monastery goldleaf and acrylic paint on canvas

I made this series of paintings for John Eustor in exchange for vibrational Sound Healing sessions at John’s studio, Sapphire in Bradley Beach, NJ. John is a gifted healer and musician and has been a generous guide in the process of a spiritual awakening.